Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Quick Tip
-Click on the the word "comment", it is in green at the bottom of each post.
-Then write your comment in the box to the right and sign your name.
-Below this box are 3 options for posting:
1. Google/Blogger name (only few people have blogger names).
2. Other (you can put your name in and leave the web part blank).
3. Anonymous (make sure you have signed your name to the bottom of your note in the box where your note is).
Hope this helps!
Another Swallow Test
I have been gone for two weeks and it is good to be back! Josh and I were in Arizona for business, so this is the first day in 15 days that I have seen Rachel. The longest I have been away from her. She is doing great! All of our prayers and her perseverance is paying off. Rachel is speaking so much. I would estimate that 80% to 90% of what she is saying is understandable. It takes a little bit of hanging out with her to get the hang of how she sounds, but it is easy to pick up. Her voice is airy, so some of the 'th', 'sh', 'st' type sounds are hard. Today she worked on getting the 'd' to sound different from a 'th' or 't' sound.
You can see Rachel trying SO hard to do everything to her best ability. She definitely is not a slacker. On Friday, Rachel will get to walk on a treadmill assisted with a harness. The harness will take off however much weight needed so that Rachel can work on her gait and walk for longer amounts of time without getting worn out. I guess the key is practice, practice...not necessarily strength. Today in Physical Therapy, she walked a least 50 feet and later got in and out of a car. Rachel said that it is weird to be excited or to be told 'good job' in doing things like getting in and out of a car. Or like in Occupational Therapy to be told 'good job' in taking spices out of a cabinet. Doing things that used to be every day type movements to being complimented on doing them. I thought that was interesting that she shared that with me.
Rachel had another Swallow Test today. She got upgraded to the next level. There are 5 levels. She was at the beginner Level 1. And now is at Level 2. Which means she can now have liquids that are nectar consistency, mostly meaning anything that is a bit thicker than water. Drinks would include: shakes, drinkable yogurt, tomato juice, smoothies, etc. Before she could only have liquids that were thick enough to use with a spoon. And her food was upgraded from a complete pureed food diet to a soft food diet. Examples: scrambled eggs, some cereals, soft vegetables, ice cream, pies with only a bottom crust, etc.
Naomi said that the quilt is coming along very nicely and should be done this week! I don't think Rachel knows about it, so we are very excited for her to receive it. I will be taking a picture of it with Rachel when it arrives.
Thanks to everyone supporting us!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
7 Weeks
Good Morning,
This week was a really good week again. Every day there is obvious progress!
Ryan's Grandma Foss visits weekly and is always so surprised at how much more she is doing.
Now for specifics:
This week, in answer to prayer, she is able to speak more clearly.
Her lip, cheek, tongue, neck muscles have relaxed and come more up to speed. When she tries to tell us something, she first tries to say it and then uses her Lightwriter DECtalk tool if we cannot 'get it'.
Yesterday, Friday, she was able to walk 40 steps 3 x's = 120 steps in one session. At the end of 40 steps she would sit in the wheelchair for 3 or 4 minutes and then go again. Her right leg was able to lift some enough to take each step. You know, if one leg drags heavy, kinda hard to walk.
When situated, Rachel is able to sit by herself; her balance is good.
No catheter, no trach. no diaper,and no accidents!
100 % dependant on others for her needs - she can brush her own teeth and blow her nose!
Her goal this week is get the stomach feed tube out.
She is known as the happiest patient that a lot of the nurses have ever seen. Rachel still has some tears (of course) but she is quick to smile and laugh. At the beginning of the week I asked her if at any time during this event she had wished she had died. This question took courage on my part to ask because of the unknown answer. Rachel adamantly shook her head 'no' and said 'no'.
The Family
Some may wonder if our home is mayhem with me being with Rachel in
On arriving home each week, I am greeted with smiles, the house is in order, and I am ready for a cup of coffee. Family is a blessing! We just watch and wait each week to see how God is working to heal Rachel and through this touch lives! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.
Rachel wants you to feel blessed if you are able to eat without a bib!!
Her speech and swallow! Wednesday she has a swallow test. If she passes this endoscope through the nostril test, she will get to graduate from pureed food to something appealing to the eye....yeah. Oh for the simple things in life!
With love,
P.S. I am not overwhelmed with emails in my inbox.....if you feel compelled to email me, please do! Would love to hear from you whether I know you or not. (email is listed with the addresses on the right)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Today's Update
We are so encourage by everyone's interest and prayers. We are also encouraged by this week's wonderful weather. I spend Tuesdays through Saturday morning with Rachel, usually with one or two of Rachel's sisters or brothers with me. Last week Julia (21) and Emily (13) were here. This week Micah (9) is with me. He brought his roller blades and school books. Being from the country, he enjoys the sidewalks.
Today she blew her nose by herself for the first time! And in Physical Therapy, she walked 50 steps, that is with 2 people at her side. Rachel's right foot has a difficult time moving forward, so someone helps that leg along. She can bare her weight on each leg as the other one moves forward.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Count It All Joy
Good Morning Friends,
"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." - Psalm 56:8
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Progress Report
Progress! Lots of progress to report, she's been moving fast here in the past several days. I'm going to report in a 'bullet list' format:
- She can step! She can actually walk 10 steps while holding onto something for stability, and with some assistance with helping her right leg move forward.
- Her facial muscles are getting stronger. Previously, all she could do was smile, but now, she has more control over her expressions, lips, chewing, etc.
- She is working on learning how to brush her own teeth.
- She is working with the physical therapist on sitting upright for 1-2 minutes without any assistance.
- She has been feeding herself with her left hand. Her right hand is still lagging a little, but she can eat with no assistance with her left. Rachel is eating all three meals a day.
- Speaking of eating, right now she is eating 'pureed' food (which is food that has been through a blender), but they are considering upgrading her to a diet of more challenging texture. They will be doing the endoscope (video down her nose) in the next day or two and assess whether her diet can be upgraded.
- Even though she has been given an electronic tool (keyboard) to help with communication, she is required attempt the word or phrase verbally before using that tool so as to encourage vocal strengthening and development. When RuthAnne is around, Rachel will sign letters to her to form words.
- THIS IS THE KICKER - As of right now, Rachel has accomplished many of the goals that were originally set for her for November 14th.
Whew, that's a heckuva list. The bottom line: Rachel has been working her tail off...and it's showing. We're quite grateful that she is progressing so quickly, and only encourages more prayer, even as we see prayers answered.
Today, the family was able to move into a 2 bedroom unit close to the Madonna facility. It has been offered for use of Rachel's friends/family for the duration of her stay at a very discounted price.
I always like to keep these posts 'down to earth', but answered prayer is answered prayer, and at this point, she has more ability than some of the Doctors thought she might EVER regain.
All The Best,
- Josh
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The 'Inner Game'
This Sunday brought about quite a surprise. RuthAnne and I are in Lincoln with Rachel right now, but spent the night with David & Rachel Akridge (who have been extremely hospitable by opening their home up to us).
We were walking into the entrance of Madonna this morning, and no sooner had we stepped into the front door than Rachel comes flying by in her wheelchair, right in front of us! Evidently, Rachel and Ryan were out walking before we got there, and decided to ambush us as we walked in. We all had a good laugh.
Rachel is still progressing. Yesterday, she only did about 30 minutes of physical therapy, so it was a bit of a "recovery day" for her. She did spend much of the day laughing and goofing around with all of us, which was nice.
She stood quite a bit, and has been devoting much time to practicing her transition from sitting to standing. She still needs much assistance to do that, but is getting stronger.
She is also sleeping better. Previously, she was waking up multiple time per night, needing to use the bathroom or other needs. For the last 2 nights, she has only woken up once.
The biggest challenge to her speech at this point is her ability to move and manipulate her tongue and mouth. We said the alphabet yesterday, and while she can make noises and sounds, she is making the sound from her mouth and nose, so that it is a very 'nasal-ish' sound. In other words, she's not talking exclusively through her mouth.
Even though Rachel done a fantastic job in keeping her spirits high, there are times when she has doubts about herself, and in moving back towards a full recovery. Even though she is progressing fast, she wants to progress faster. She is very aware of her status, and she wants to get back to normal ASAP. However, this is a process, so having the patience and fortitude to work through the process will be a challenge as we move forward.
ONE IMPORTANT CHANGE TO NOTE: At this point, Rachel will be working hard, day in and day out. Meaning, she will be participating in much of a routine, so we will be updating this blog twice per week now, on Wednesday's and Saturday's. That way, we will have more new information each time the blog is updated (so we actually have something to talk about). We have a balance to strike, between giving every little detail and giving very general information.
We recognize that there are all types of people reading this information, and we are very grateful for everyone that makes the effort to read this blog. We feel that updating twice per week will be frequent enough to give a good update with measurable progress, but also not providing so much info that it turns into 'overkill'.
Thanks for all your support,
- Josh
P.S. - For those of you that sent your names in, thank you. If haven't done so yet, then go make it happen. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to the previous post.
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Request and Gift!!
A friend of Rachel's, Naomi, is making a quilt for her. Naomi needs our help. What Naomi is doing is putting together a quilt for Rachel with the names of people who have been/are praying for her. If you have been praying for her, please send your name (as you want it to be written on the quilt, ie. Bill and Sandy Smith or the Smith Family, etc.) and state or country -it will be cool for her to see where everyone is from. Send it to me at
I don't think Rachel has grasped how many of us are praying for her :-)
You may know people who are praying but they don't have access to the blog/internet. If you would be so kind as to include those individuals as well when you send your name, that would be great.
Thank you!
RuthAnne and Naomi
P.S. Yes, we will be taking a picture when it is finished so you can see the finished project. :-)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
More Notes From Mom.
Today marks the 8th day at Madonna Rehab.
Yesterday afternoon, RuthAnne and I took Rachel outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. While talking, I told her of a story that I heard of a 14 year old girl who had been in an accident and could not walk and was told she would never be able to walk. After many people praying for her, one day this girl got up and walked totally healed. Even though Rachel can’t talk, she responded. She burst into tears. Now maybe one would think that telling her this story wouldn’t help her. Valid point. Except that the whole theme of being at Madonna is to set goals and achieve them. The combination of the prayers of the network of saints, the efforts of the rehab staff and therapists, and the diligence and belief of the patient all play a part in seeing Rachel meet her goal. From the beginning, every verbal prayer I have heard prayed for Rachel has been one of total healing~~~so, I told her this story.
To keep her from crying more, facing her I looked up and joked that Ryan was coming. She stopped crying and then I had to tell her that I was joking. She was laughing at my behavior technique. Then, to my surprise, I looked up and there was Ryan approaching her from behind and so I told Rachel, “Ryan IS coming.” Of course, she rolled her eyes........then he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead......his arrival was timely! (And surprised me!)
Today is another day and goodness....people here keep things moving.
Here is a list of today’s Joys:
Rachel was able to use the NuStep TRS4000 for 20 is a stepping machine that she can use in the sitting position, which works her legs. Now keep in mind that she has a therapist and volunteer at her side to stable her and to keep her legs positioned on the peddles. She liked this machine!
--Optometrist evaluation-went very well. Rachel was able to differentiate a very small drawn stick object on a board 15 feet away. Her close up and distance focus is good. They will work on fine tuning her focus, it's almost perfect.
--She was able to stand with assistance today for 10 minutes (intervals of 1-2 min apiece) while standing with help she was able to reach up almost shoulder level with her left hand. Her right hand/arm needs prayers!
--She is able to sign the alphabet with her left hand! She struggles with some of the letters, but RuthAnne is able to decipher almost everything. Prayers are being answered for Rachel!
--Rachel's voice is getting stronger. She can say the sounds 'M', 'L' and 'W' with vowels attached to them. At the end of today's second session, she could say, "My name" in one breath. Tomorrow morning, the Speech Therapist will be giving her breakfast. Her first meal!!
Do we even begin to know and discover the possibilities of prayers? So, don’t just stand there, pray something! Not just for Rachel’s struggles, but for your struggles too....may you see the possibilities that prayer has in changing your life struggle into a prayer answered!!
I John 5:14, 15 says so plainly:
“And this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us: and if we know that He hears us,whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.”
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Note From Mom
The verse: ‘The Joy of the Lord is our Strength’ has been our theme since the onset of Rachel’s journey.
These 8 words have kept us all going forward, seeing God orchestrate every detail these 5 weeks!
Being at Madonna has continued to comfort us with the joy each therapist, nurse, doctor and worker exude with their team effort to heal Rachel.
Now, RuthAnne and I (Rachel’s mom) arrived yesterday morning. I hadn’t seen her since Friday and RuthAnne hadn’t seen her since last Tuesday. We are staying with David and Rachel Akridge (Rachel and I know and worked with this couple from Summit Ministries in Colorado) here in Lincoln, they have graciously opened their home to us until a house with Madonna opens up. RuthAnne and I are amazed at the improvements she has made. God continues to answer our prayers of healing for Rachel.
Since being in the hospital in Iowa City, Rachel wasn’t able to wear her engagement ring. Last night
Ryan put it back on her finger. This morning we asked her if she liked the ring back on...her look
was priceless. Ryan’s love for Rachel has a huge healing affect.
We want you to know that Rachel enjoys the cards and your posts on the web; so please keep posting your words of encouragement and prayers for her OR some story that you remember of her. You know, we will tell her what you wrote (which is fun) AND she will be reading this chronicle of her days since the ‘event’ as soon as she has access to the computer....
Here is a list of today’s Joys:
Rachel’s vision is really good as she did the Brock String therapy today....the therapist is happy about this and Rachel is even happier.
The PICC line for blood draws was removed~~one less thing attached to her body.
The TRACH removed!!! This is huge to her as this was a great source of irritation for all she has left to get rid of is her stomach feed tube. That should be out as soon as her tongue can handle the food in her mouth AND she can eat enough to keep her energy.
She was able to stand for one minute with 2 people steadying her from wilting which was much better than yesterday.
The speech therapist just stopped by and said that Rachel can say ‘Yah’ and “No’ clearly so she wants her to say that instead of head nodding. She is pleased with Rachel’s improvements daily.
Rachel stays busy all day with therapy and some rests.........this helps to keep the days interesting and productive for her. One week ago she could only handle being up in the wheel chair one hour. Now she is fine with 7 hours!!!!
You probably wonder of Rachel’s emotional side.
Does she cry?
Is she frustrated?
Does she wonder ‘why?’
Yes, she does cry....perhaps every day at some point.
Why does she cry? Because she is frustrated, but not because she wants to give up.
She is frustrated with her fine motor skills not working as well as not being able to care for her humbling...
We take these simple pleasures in life for granted UNTIL they are taken from us.
Yes, she does wonder why this happened.
How do we communicate if she cannot speak except to say ‘yah’ and ‘no’? Well, she has a board that
has the alphabet and with her left hand she can quickly spell out what she is thinking and the questions she has......the hitch in this method is with the interpreter (us) trying to remember and follow the sequence of letters.........sometimes she can spell faster than what we can remember and then......she ROLLS her eyes =) We are getting better at remembering.
Continue to pray for Rachel’s miraculous healing. According to I John 5:14, 15 ..... “And this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us: and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.”
Thanks everyone for being there. The Christian family is beyond compare!
With heartfelt love,
Crystal Garrison
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
One Week At Madonna
Rachel had another good day here at Madonna. Mom and I got here this morning and hung out with her all day through her different therapies. Nancy (Ryan's mom) has been here this weekend during the day and Ryan comes in the evening.
It was great to see the improvements that Rachel has made in one week. I left her Tuesday night in Iowa City and she has been here since Wednesday. She is getting physically stronger every day, even the therapists can tell a difference from one day to the next.
Today, the Speech Therapist gave her a banana to eat and she did very well with it, I'm not sure if it was cut up or mashed, but Rachel loved it.
The doctors/therapist all meet in the morning for their weekly meeting to discuss Rachel's progress and will determine further goals/plans. We are curious to see what they say. The Pulmonary Doctor will see Rachel tomorrow and make the final say if she can have the trach out. She hasn't used her trach for a week, so we see no need for her to keep it. We thought he was going to stop by on Monday, but he got postponed for some reason.
Your prayers have a noticeable impact!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Fun With Numbers
Greetings Everyone,
Today, we wanted to actually spell out specifics of where Rachel is at, and where she is going.
Where She Is At
Right now, Rachel is cognitively all there. She can understand anything we throw at her, whether it's old memories, math problems, or other 'mind benders'. There is no question that her mind is very sharp, and so far, we cannot detect any difference mentally from where she was before this all happened up until now.
Physically, she has a challenging road ahead of her. She can make sounds, but she's not currently speaking. She can move her arms a little bit, but not enough to really manipulate anything. She can read just fine, but she can't hold a book. At this point, she can't pick up objects, or even 'high five' us. She can eat soft foods, but she's not moving her body much below her neck. She can move things a little bit, but not much. The hope is that where there is little movement, more can be built.
Where She Is Going
By November 14th, the medical staff wants her to be able to accomplish the following:
1. Be able to provide assistance in getting in and out of a wheelchair.
2. Be able to regain 25% of her physical ability, which includes standing up without anyone to balance her, sitting up on her own, etc.
3. Be 50% understandable in her speech.
4. Only require 25% help in feeding of semi-solid foods.
This will be her first benchmark, and hopefully she far exceeds it. However, much prayer, sweat, and work will be required to reach it. No doubt, she has had an amazing journey in the past month, and the chips have fallen enough for us to all get a baseline of ability, of where she is actually 'starting from'.
From this point going forward, "work" is the name of the game. She will be doing plenty of it, so if you want to mail an encouraging card, gift packs, or random objects of affection, you can do so at her new address. She has her own room, and the staff has given her the freedom to decorate it any way she chooses.
So to sum, if you are looking for some very specific things to pray for:
1. The ability to move her tongue, and verbal communication.
2. The ability to move and control her arms.
3. The ability to move and control her hands, fingers.
4. The ability to move and control her legs.
5. Faith.
Thanks for your care,
- Josh
Friday, October 5, 2007
Consider This...
It appears that the staff at the Madonna Rehab Hospital have no problem working Rachel to the max. Since she has arrived, they have made it clear that the only reason that she is there is to build her strength and health back up to a level where she can function independently. They have a very strong philosophy of 'do it yourself', which is quite different from a traditional hospital.
Here are the highlights so far:
1. She starts work at about 9:00 AM. She bathes, helps get herself dressed, and prepares for the rigors ahead.
2. She had an endoscope put down her nose yesterday, so the doctors could see her swallowing muscles function. They even burned the video to DVD for us. We're going to put it on UTube. Not really. The results were good, she can swallow decently, and she will begin with a soft-food diet today.
3. They stand her up on her own feet several times a day, and take her to the gym several times a day as well. It has been made clear that hard work will be needed in order for her to regain her strength, and so far, she has had a great attitude about that work. They are constantly putting forth challenges in front of her that are a bit more difficult than the previous task.
4. She is beginning to point to letters to communicate however, on Monday, she will have the Trach removed (yeah!). At that point, they will begin working with her in getting her 'speech muscles' (tongue, throat, etc) back up to par.
They weighed her upon entry to the facility, and surprisingly, she hasn't lost much weight. This is a good thing, as she has basically been immobile for the past month.
Phil and Crystal are the two that have spent the most time with her the last few days, and in the very limited amount of time that they have been at Madonna, they have seen a pretty dramatic improvement.
They have a tentative release date of November 14th, however, that will be evaluated and re-evaluated each week that she is there. They can hold her for much longer than that, depending upon her progress. Meaning, if she keeps progressing, they will keep her there longer.
RuthAnne and Crystal will be spending the week with her starting this Tuesday.
ONE QUICK THING TO CONSIDER: It has now been a month since this whole ordeal began.
30 days ago today, it was questionable whether or not Rachel would live.
28 days ago, we were told Rachel would probably be a vegetable.
27 days ago, we were told Rachel would probably be on a ventilator (breathing machine) for the next 6 months.
21 days ago, they concluded that Rachel's 'swallow muscles' were so weak that she might never be able to eat on her own again.
14 days ago, we were told that Rachel would probably be stuck in the hospital in Iowa City for 2 - 3 months of pre-therapy, just getting ready for true rehabilitation.
6 days ago Rachel was still waiting to get out of the ICU.
4 days ago we didn't know if Rachel would even be accepted to Madonna for rehab.
3 days ago, Rachel arrived at Madonna for full rehabilitation.
And now, here we are...
Pretty amazing to consider, eh? We think so. If you ever wonder if your prayers are being heard, just look at the time-line listed above. Thank you for all your support.
- Josh
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Big Day In Lincoln
Ryan is working with Rachel's left arm.
Mom and Dad have been there since she arrived. Josh and I have yet to go and visit, we are looking forward to seeing her and her new place. The staff sounds amazing. Dad said that the staff are all friendly, direct, helpful, and are glad to answer any question-anytime. I have no doubt that Ryan will be there to visit Rachel only 40 minutes aways. I envy him for that reason. We live about 4 hours away.
The rehab sounds pretty intense. They said that the only reason that Rachel will be in bed during the day is to rest/sleep if needed. All the different therapist will start working with her once or twice a day, working up to 3 to 4 times a day. Presently, she has a speech, occupational and physical therapist. So that is a minimum of 3 times a day (of therapy) working up to 12 times a day between the 3 of them. They work Monday through Friday, 1/2 day on Saturday and take Sundays off.
Today, she got to wear clothes for the first time in 4 weeks! Shirt, pants, socks and shoes. I am sure she loved that. They sat her on the side of the bed, worked on her core muscles, had her stand a bit, put her in a high back wheel chair and took her to the gym for a bit.
They are still in the 'assessment' stage of the process. From the testing they did, her mind works very well. Her reading comprehension is good, and so are her reasoning skills. Her vision seems to be 98%...the only hang-up is an occasional double vision. They couldn't figure out when the double vision happens, but it is rare. At this point, not a concern. Rachel's since of touch is excellent. The Physical Therapist had her do some new exercises that had not been done before. There seems to be innervation to all muscles, even if weak, a little bit means that it can be built upon and fully regained if Rachel so desires.
Tomorrow Speech Therapy is going to do one of those swallow test (tomorrow) where they have a camera inside her throat and video her swallow to make sure everything is working properly. Today they gave her ice chips and had her do several facial and swallowing exercises. Imagine not tasting food for a month? I am sure she is motivated to get this figured out. She is frustrated that she cannot talk yet, her vocal cords do work and air is getting to them...once again, Rachel will have to relearn this technique that we take for granted.
I am sure that Rachel will be sleeping very well tonight. She worked hard today and put everything she had into her first full day at Madonna.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New Address!
In Lincoln:
Madonna Rehab Hospital
c/o Rachel Garrison
5401 South Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
(spell out the word 'south')
Yeah, we have an address for Rachel. Thank you for your patience :-)
I just talked to dad, and he is very impressed with the facility and staff thus far. We haven't heard much about what the future looks like...yet. But the 'word on the street' is that Rachel's trach will be out soon...somewhere between 5 - 10 days. So we'll see.
En Route
We all are curious as to what the next several hours and days will look like. I believe that they will start assessing her and begin to figure out her 'starting point' either upon her arrival today or first thing tomorrow. By Friday, they should have a general idea as to how long she will be an inpatient at Madonna. When she gets released from Madonna, then she can continue therapy with them as an outpatient.
The rooms for the patients are private and one person is allowed to spend the nights with her. Rachel is free to decorate her room however she likes. From the pictures we saw, Madonna is very spacious. The bedroom is nice and big, easy to maneuver. The grounds cover 22 acres. Madonna does have housing available to the family, on a first come basis. From what we understand, there will be an opening on Friday. :)
For some more info:
and for specifics go to
Candlewood Suites in Lincoln has an agreement with Madonna and gives a discount to those visiting someone at Madonna.
Thankyou for you continued support,
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
To Lincoln
Yes, Rachel got accepted to Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska. Rachel gets transported tomorrow around 8am and will arrive early afternoon. As more details come, we will be telling you about them.
Moving Forward
Well, we are all excited today, as it is the day that we will get word whether or not Rachel will be accepted into the Madonna Rehab Institution. She had her interview yesterday, and that went very well. Two nurses from Madonna came to evaluate her, and let us know what is to be expected while she is there.
It appears to be a top-notch facility, and all the therapy concentrates on getting the patient back to a level of normal functioning. They have practice houses, practice restaurant's, practice cars, practice garages, and a host of other simulation environments where they will take a patient, and work on coordinating the movements in that environment. Their goal is to get a client to a point of normal functioning as fast as possible.
The program appears to be very intense. They only uniform she will be wearing is sweats and workout clothes. Their baseline of activity begins at 3 hours of therapy per day, and builds from there. We asked what she would be doing the rest of her time there, and the lady laughed a bit and simply said "she will be resting during the rest of the time".
Ryan went back home yesterday to get some work done this week. RuthAnne, I, Crystal, and MaryAnne are holding down the fort here. Rachel continues to show marked improvements each day, whether it's stronger coughing, fine motor movement, eating ice, or something else. She has a great staff of nurses working with her on the General Neuro floor that she's on now.
As soon as we get an answer from Madonna, we'll put up a short post to announce it.
- Josh