Ryan and Rachel at Madonna Rehab Hospital. (Nancy, Ryan's mom in background)
Ryan is working with Rachel's left arm.

Ryan is working with Rachel's left arm.
Rachel has been at Madonna 1 1/2 days and it is totally different than a regular hospital. Yesterday, they downsized her trach to a 4...so half the size of the first one. They may take it out tomorrow, if not tomorrow then on Monday.
Mom and Dad have been there since she arrived. Josh and I have yet to go and visit, we are looking forward to seeing her and her new place. The staff sounds amazing. Dad said that the staff are all friendly, direct, helpful, and are glad to answer any question-anytime. I have no doubt that Ryan will be there to visit Rachel everyday...living only 40 minutes aways. I envy him for that reason. We live about 4 hours away.
The rehab sounds pretty intense. They said that the only reason that Rachel will be in bed during the day is to rest/sleep if needed. All the different therapist will start working with her once or twice a day, working up to 3 to 4 times a day. Presently, she has a speech, occupational and physical therapist. So that is a minimum of 3 times a day (of therapy) working up to 12 times a day between the 3 of them. They work Monday through Friday, 1/2 day on Saturday and take Sundays off.
Today, she got to wear clothes for the first time in 4 weeks! Shirt, pants, socks and shoes. I am sure she loved that. They sat her on the side of the bed, worked on her core muscles, had her stand a bit, put her in a high back wheel chair and took her to the gym for a bit.
They are still in the 'assessment' stage of the process. From the testing they did, her mind works very well. Her reading comprehension is good, and so are her reasoning skills. Her vision seems to be 98%...the only hang-up is an occasional double vision. They couldn't figure out when the double vision happens, but it is rare. At this point, not a concern. Rachel's since of touch is excellent. The Physical Therapist had her do some new exercises that had not been done before. There seems to be innervation to all muscles, even if weak, a little bit means that it can be built upon and fully regained if Rachel so desires.
Tomorrow Speech Therapy is going to do one of those swallow test (tomorrow) where they have a camera inside her throat and video her swallow to make sure everything is working properly. Today they gave her ice chips and had her do several facial and swallowing exercises. Imagine not tasting food for a month? I am sure she is motivated to get this figured out. She is frustrated that she cannot talk yet, her vocal cords do work and air is getting to them...once again, Rachel will have to relearn this technique that we take for granted.
I am sure that Rachel will be sleeping very well tonight. She worked hard today and put everything she had into her first full day at Madonna.
Mom and Dad have been there since she arrived. Josh and I have yet to go and visit, we are looking forward to seeing her and her new place. The staff sounds amazing. Dad said that the staff are all friendly, direct, helpful, and are glad to answer any question-anytime. I have no doubt that Ryan will be there to visit Rachel everyday...living only 40 minutes aways. I envy him for that reason. We live about 4 hours away.
The rehab sounds pretty intense. They said that the only reason that Rachel will be in bed during the day is to rest/sleep if needed. All the different therapist will start working with her once or twice a day, working up to 3 to 4 times a day. Presently, she has a speech, occupational and physical therapist. So that is a minimum of 3 times a day (of therapy) working up to 12 times a day between the 3 of them. They work Monday through Friday, 1/2 day on Saturday and take Sundays off.
Today, she got to wear clothes for the first time in 4 weeks! Shirt, pants, socks and shoes. I am sure she loved that. They sat her on the side of the bed, worked on her core muscles, had her stand a bit, put her in a high back wheel chair and took her to the gym for a bit.
They are still in the 'assessment' stage of the process. From the testing they did, her mind works very well. Her reading comprehension is good, and so are her reasoning skills. Her vision seems to be 98%...the only hang-up is an occasional double vision. They couldn't figure out when the double vision happens, but it is rare. At this point, not a concern. Rachel's since of touch is excellent. The Physical Therapist had her do some new exercises that had not been done before. There seems to be innervation to all muscles, even if weak, a little bit means that it can be built upon and fully regained if Rachel so desires.
Tomorrow Speech Therapy is going to do one of those swallow test (tomorrow) where they have a camera inside her throat and video her swallow to make sure everything is working properly. Today they gave her ice chips and had her do several facial and swallowing exercises. Imagine not tasting food for a month? I am sure she is motivated to get this figured out. She is frustrated that she cannot talk yet, her vocal cords do work and air is getting to them...once again, Rachel will have to relearn this technique that we take for granted.
I am sure that Rachel will be sleeping very well tonight. She worked hard today and put everything she had into her first full day at Madonna.
Way to go come back girl! Sounds like there will be no chance to be lazy or get bored or down. Lots to look forward to! We continue to pray for the best!
What a great and heart warming picture and message - Looking good!! Prayers continue!! sharon prater
This is all so exciting Rachel! I'm so proud of you-keep working hard!
I have something to say to Rachel, I would like you to remember as you go through your therapy, Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". My family and I have been praying for you every nite. Thanks to your family to posting on the blog to keep us up to date.
In Christ
Beth Pancake
Dear Ryan and Rachel,
Our prayers are with you both.
Please post more pictures!
Thanks for keeping us all updated.
Love in Christ Jesus,
Kourtney Pyle
-Psalm 42:8
It is very interesting to read about what is going on with Rachel. I try to check in every night before I go to bed so I can pray about what has been mentioned in the daily blog.
Vicki Sherman
Rachel, Ryan and Family,
You are an incredible inspiration to all! I will continue to pray for all of you. Stay positive and know that He loves you so much and will continue to wrap his healing arms around you.
In Christ,
Tricia (A friend of Eric Davids)
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