Hello Everyone,
My name is LeAna, I am a good friend of Julia Garrison (Rachel's sister). I recently had a dream that I feel God used to remind me of how important it is to pray for the Garrisons and hope that it reminds you to continue to faithfully lift up Rachel and her family before our Lord!
In my dream, I walked into my kitchen and saw a newspaper lying on the table. I picked it up and started to read, noticing a picture of myself. I started to comment on it when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my older brother, Evin, was sitting at the table.
Evin lives a few hours away, so I was thrilled to see him and excitedly exclaimed, “Evin!!!” as I gave him a big hug. He let out a little moan as if in pain and slowly, with slurred speech, said something like, “You better stick with the neck hug.” I was confused and pulled back quickly to ask what he meant. He motioned slowly and with much effort to show me that he was in a wheelchair with a headrest and supportive boards in front and behind him to help him sit up. He gave a half smile as if to say, “It’s OK,” but upon realizing the condition he was in, I broke down and wept. I wept to see him in that condition, and also at the realization that I had been so caught up in my own little world, looking at myself in the newspaper, that I had not even noticed him there.
I woke up crying, and continued to cry for a few minutes until I fully realized it was just a dream. Even after realizing this, though, I still had a hard time holding back the tears at just the vivid memory of “seeing” him like that, even if only in a dream.
At this point, I felt that God was putting it strongly on my heart to pray for Rachel, the rest of the Garrison family, and Ryan. It occurred to me that in my dream, I knew in the back of my head that Evin was OK - that he was going to recover. And yet, it absolutely broke my heart to see him in such a state.
I speak to Julia on a nearly daily basis, and am updated frequently on Rachel’s physical progress. I often forget that though she survived against all odds, this doesn’t mean that it’s an easy road from here on out. I’m sure that there are days for her when she is terribly discouraged, and days that it hurts Ryan and her family to see her so changed.
So as we continue to praise God for the incredible progress that Rachel has made thus far, let’s not forget to implore Him to give strength, joy, and hope anew each day to the Garrisons and Ryan.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." -2 Corinthians 13:14
LeAna Negron, New Jersey
Mom writes from Lincoln:
Rachel just asked me to put on the blog to pray for
-her walking on the treadmill every Tuesday and Thursday mornings (10:30am CST)
-her legs would be coordinated with God's help vs. pharmaceutical intervention
-that the spasms in her legs will disappear (they show up with exertion and fatigue)
Rachel's right side has good muscle tone.
The therapists say Rachel is one of the hardest working, determined patients they have seen.
We are all pleased with her progress, even though the list of things she can do without assistance is short, but growing!
Therapy is a very long, laborious road for all involved.
Prayers have been answered in abundance! In light of that, let me ask you.... would you consider praying for a touch-from-God miracle?
Isaiah 45:18,19 "I am the Lord," he says, "and there is no other I
I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the Lord speak only what is true and declare only what is right."