Yeah! Rachel gets to go home on Friday. She is looking forward to being home with the family and doing more 'normal' type activities as her therapy - day in and day out. She will be doing some Physical Therapy with a therapist in town. We have exercises from Occupational Therapy to do at home. Speech Therapy will be all day, every day ;-) and Recreational Therapy will be game time with the family.
Monday, Rachel made brownies in therapy and is washing the dishes in the above picture.
I called Rachel on Monday night (I came to Lincoln on Tuesday). We talked for 30 minutes and she was completely understandable. We had a great chat. Yesterday, Rachel signed her name with her right hand! Two weeks ago, she had almost no control over her right hand fingers. And she did a grip strength test today. With her right hand she only registered 1 or 2 pounds ten days ago. Today, the little tester registered 25 pounds of grip strength!!! Huge improvement. Today in PT, Rachel walked 250 feet without stopping. On Monday, they thought it would be a week or more before she could go 250 feet without stopping. Two days later, she masters the challenge. She also was able to stand up from her wheelchair with zero assistance.
We are having all the nurses and therapist sign Rachel's quilt that she got from Naomi. They all feel honored that we ask them to sign. Several of them have stopped us in the hall and are saying they are sad to see Rachel leave, that they enjoy her being around.
We will still be doing the updates when Rachel is at home. Thanks for checking in.
Oh, Rachel, you are such a beauty! Church tonight spoke of letting go of fear and worry... I say AMEN! I've been praying for 100% and I just love God and how He is honoring your prayers and the desires of your heart! GO GOD!
Prayers from Alabama...
Tara Webb ;)
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Soon you'll be home.....SWEET HOME!!!
I hope it was good old Garrison Brownies you made and not just any old recipe.
Wow - I'm sitting in the shop where I get my car maintenance done ... and tears are welling up and I've definitely got goose bumps. I almost wrote, "Can't believe all the progress you are making." But then realized God is answering prayers. Then quickly another thought followed, "And He's gonna keep answering some more!"
I'm praying that tomorrow you can walk to the car!
So looking forward to seeing you and giving you a big hug and chatting this weekend. Can't wait!
Wow - I'm sitting in the shop where I get my car maintenance done ... and tears are welling up and I've definitely got goose bumps. I almost wrote, "Can't believe all the progress you are making." But then realized God is answering prayers. Then quickly another thought followed, "And He's gonna keep answering some more!"
I'm praying that tomorrow you can walk to the car!
So looking forward to seeing you and giving you a big hug and chatting this weekend. Can't wait!
Praise the Lord I am so excited for all of you and a specially you Rachel I just can't wait to hear that you are getting married. WOW!!! This is one huge blessing and we are so thankful to the Lord for it. We are happy for you to say the least. Can't wait for you to walk down the isle with your Dad and marry the man of your dreams. We are still praying for you and know that the Lord will continue to heal you. LOVE YOU~Loral and Jared
Praise the Lord Rachel you have come so far! We are so proud of you and continue to pray every day! May God continue to strengthen you as you head home TODAY!!
Praise the Lord for all that He has done in your life, Rachel! I am excited for you as you go home today! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Emily Hipps from Nebraska
Hi Rachel....what a challenge and what a brave fight for victory. I'm sure home is going to be a new challenge and I'm sure you are up to it. Go girl! I'm so happy for your progress and how God has blessed your effort. Our prayers are with you. I'm coming to see you one of these days shortly. Love you....Grandma W.
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