Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Evening

Good evening everyone,

Well, as of 7:52 PM Sunday, there is no indication that Rachel has experienced any brain swelling. It was a great, productive day. She received MANY visitors today (and if you were one of them, thank you), so she got plenty of stimulation today.

Not a whole lot to report at this time, just more progress. She responded well all day, and tomorrow morning, she should have her breathing tube removed. This is going to be the first real point of evaluation, as we will see her without a breathing tube or sedation. Up to this point, we haven't really been able to see exactly where her starting point of recovery will be. Tomorrow, we get a glimpse into that, and might possibly begin physical therapy.

Right now, we ask that you pray for Dr. David Diehl, his wife Cathy, and their family. They are in need of our support. At this point, we have seen an amazing process take place as Rachel has begun the healing process. Let us help Dr. Diehl and his family begin the healing process as well.

All The Best,

- Josh

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