Good afternoon to everyone,
I apologize that this post is later in the day than usual. Today, I (RuthAnne) am attempting to write this :-)
The picture here to the left is from today, she has a oxygen mask. She doesn't seem to need the extra oxygen, but has it there for support if for a moment she does need it. Her hair is in a pony and braided (the nurse last night brushed it and braided it :-)
The picture here to the left is from today, she has a oxygen mask. She doesn't seem to need the extra oxygen, but has it there for support if for a moment she does need it. Her hair is in a pony and braided (the nurse last night brushed it and braided it :-)
Rachel is still making daily progress, I am so blessed to be able to be here with her. With Ryan's dedication of being with her whenever someone isn't, Rachel has someone there with her almost continuosly from 7-8am to 10-11pm.
Last night, Rachel's cough started becoming much stronger. Yeah! The nurse this morning said that her sleep was interrupted alot with her coughing (on her own, which is good) -they hardly had to suction her out at all. Rachel is clearing and moving the secretions out of her lungs much more effectively on her own. Her cough was strong all day today as well. Thank you all for praying specifically for this.
Lori, the nurse that is with her today, has worked in ICU for about 20 years and before that worked on the floor where Rachel goes next. Lori said that Rachel's improvements are SUPER. Two nurses and Ryan helped her sit up with her legs dangling over the edge of her bed at around 2pm this afternoon. Rachel is able to lift her head up, but not strong enough yet to keep her head held up. I was able to be with her when they sat her up at 4pm and Lori said she did even better with her head. She was able to hold her head up and move it from side to side. All of these movements are labored and slow, but she can do it. :-) We asked her if she was tired of sitting up, and she said no. I thought that was a good sign -she must have enjoyed it some. She then said she was tired and ready to lay back down. Lori said to think about how tough it is to move after just one or two days laying in bed when you are sick, let alone being in bed and not moving much at all for 6 days.
Right now she is getting a MRI, not sure if we will get the results back tonight. We'll update you tomorrow if there is anything to report on her MRI.
Oh, one of the nurses and I were signing through through the alphabet - she was refreshing her memory and I look down and Rachel is doing the whole alphabet with us. Lori said that it is really good that Rachel seems to sign correctly because the same part of her braing that effects talking and swallowing, can impact her ability to be able to communicate. So it seems like she is able to not only understand everything we are saying but able to have the desire and ability to communictate back to us.
All of you who are praying, continue to be bold in your prayers. Specific requests are for continued improvement in muscle control, the ability to swallow (the sooner she can swallow, the sooner she can be off her feeding tube!) and that the infection in her lungs totally clears up.
I am unsure what we would do without all of you!
Rachel, you are an amazing warrior and a beautiful woman of God! You now have brothers and sisters praying from Mountain Springs church in Colorado, other churches in CA, NE, PA, OH, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Hungary, and France. We all love you Rachel!
I have been praying for you since I heard. I praise god for your progress!! I know Rachel and mostly Crystal. My mother's heart feel for you all and I will still pray for all of you! Joy Peckham
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