This is Ryan and Rachel Sunday evening. The sign under the monitor is a reminder to turn the "food" off at 2 AM. They're getting ready to take Rachel off the oxygen since she's basically able to breathe without it.

Strange seeing Rachel this way. The strong woman we love. She looks beautiful with her eyebrows done, a nice tan, and other beauty things done for the wedding.

Greetings Everyone,
It has been a quiet 12 hours, but here is the latest:
1. Rachel continues to respond tremendously well. She is continuing to show improvement in recovering. She has developed a low-grade fever, which is actually a very good thing. When she had the breathing tube inserted at the emergency room, she vomited a bit, and some of that ended up in her lungs. Tests have indicated that she does have a mild lung infection, which is being treated with anti-biotics. However, the fact that she has a fever indicates that her immune system is working properly, and responding as it should. That's a good thing.
2. At this point, the plan is to remove the breathing tube tomorrow morning. This will improve Rachel's comfort here tremendously. and will allow her to communicate verbally.
3. There have been some requests for a mailing address where she could receive letters, flowers, balloons, cakes, cookies, cards, money, pets, etc. We ask that you send letters, but hold off on the other items until she is transferred out of the intensive care unit, so that she can receive them properly. That address is:
Rachel Garrison
200 Hawkins Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52242
4. There is no indication of brain swelling as of now. The day is not over, but that is yet another positive sign.
Again, thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support. It is amazing to see how 'words are becoming flesh', right in front of our eyes. Pray and focus on continued strength, and continued healing.
All The Best,
- Josh
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