There were several tears from the staff at Madonna as they told Rachel goodbye. Her smile will be missed in the hallways and gym.
Wednesday, Rachel walked 250 feet without stopping and then another 100+ feet all in one session. Because her activity level has increased, the doctor said she can go off of blood thinner. She is now medication free!!!
Thursday she did her last set of therapies. Mom and I went to lunch with Rachel and 3 of her therapists. It was considered 'therapy' (or maybe just a good reason to hang out together one last time). Emily (Ryan's sister) was there Thursday and Friday to see Rachel off.
Friday we packed up her room and were checked out by 10am. Joyous! Rachel walked out the door of Madonna. Go girl. 8 weeks ago, they asked Dad and Mom what our goals for Rachel were upon her dismissal. Dad said he wanted Rachel to be talking and walking by that time. The case worker looked at him in disbelief and kept her comments to herself. Clearly she thought our expectations were too high.

We got home mid-afternoon. Did some therapy, hung out as a family and Amy and Jonas (Rachel's brother and wife) brought over supper. It has been a long time since we have eaten together as a family. Ryan was able to come last night as well, he is so faithful to be with Rachel. I think they will be counting the hours each week, waiting for the weekends to come around. Rachel will get alot of good speech therapy talking on the phone to Ryan each night. ;-)
Thank you for all your continued prayers! It is amazing to watch them be answered.
YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! :) Awesome job, Rachel! God is truly so good!
-Kari (Julia's friend)
Rachel - You look so good!!! I can tell that no-one had to be asked to smile in any of those pictures!! I am so happy for you and Praise God for how great you are doing!! Prayers will definitely continue!! Glad you're home but I'm sure no-one is as glad as you and your family. As always - wishing the best for you, Ryan and your famiy!!
s prater and family
There is no place like home!
So happy for you Rachel!
Praying for you.
My name is Jennifer Williss and I work at Madonna. I help the therapists (my job title is Rehabilitation Associate) Since I only work part-time, I was not there on Friday when Rachel went home. I did work on Saturday, and there was a flyer in the "hub" (office area) with the url for the web site.
All I can say is that you are an incredible woman, Rachel, and I wish you the best in your future. With your attitude, and the prayers supporting you, I am sure you will be back to 100% soon.
I am so honored that you touched my life.
How totally awesome!!! I am so happy for you to be home with your family! You have come so far and you have touched so many lives. You are blessing to us even though we are so far away. God's blessing on you and Ryan!!
Amanda Willis from NC
Hi Rachel,
I was just reading Jennifer Williss' comment. You'll never know (until you get to Heaven) how many lives have been touched or just how God has used this situation to bring glory to Himself through you. I praise Him for healing you, for expert medical care, for safety in travel, for strength and provision for your loved ones and so much more. Although you're farther away now - - at least for a time - - from many who love you, it's fun to think of you snug in the bosom of your family. You remain in our prayers.
Judy P.
Welcome home Rachel. I will keep praying for you to be back to 100% very soon. I'm sure it feels great to be back home--both for you and your family.
Vicki Sherman
I am praying for you and praising God for all He has done thus far. I have health problems and know that God can give you amazing strength just when you need it- and I see that being displayed in your life. God is good.
Praising Him!!
~Vanessa Smith (from NJ, heard of you through a friend on facebook)
That's awesome Rach!! What a remarkable job by you to be so strong and most importantly what our LORD has done to bless you and the people around you.
I'm sure you'll be cooking Ryan some good food in no time at all!
I miss you and hope to see you soon. LOVE YOU!
What wonderful news! I've been away for a few weeks getting wonderful time visiting with my parents and it is wonderful to hear that you are now getting wonderful time with your family. So exciting to hear you walked out of Madonna and are moving onward! Praise God!
~Gretchen McMichael [australia]
well, rachel garrison, congratulations! this last update brought tears to my eyes... it's so good to see God answering prayer! it's so good to see you at home!
naomi barnes
Welcome Home!!!
All blessings, honor and glory be to God Almighty for the work He has and will continue to do in your life!
We continue to pray the Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Much love and prayers,
David and Rachel
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