Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ryan's Back!

Rachel's nurse, Lisa, helped Rachel get ready for Ryan's visit this weekend. Lisa shaved her legs, armpits, brushed her teeth and did her hair. I'm sure Rachel is very thankful for such a thoughtful nurse. Ryan got in at 9:30am, he left early if he has a 4 1/2 drive :-)

Yesterday, the doctors put in a smaller trach. They went from a size 8 to a 6. I guess when she no longer needs a size 6, there is a good chance they will take the trach out and let it heal. Rachel made it through the night without having to have her secretion manually removed. So she must either be having less of them or is doing a better job coughing them out on her own. (probably a combinaion). Thanks for the continued prayers in this area.

Rachel got another hour of sunshine today, she LOVES being outside. She has had a several visitors today.

At 1pm on Monday, Madonna is coming to assess Rachel. This is the Rehabilitaion Center in Lincoln, NE that we have heard great things about. We will be very curious to what their prognosis is and when they think she will be ready for their rehab facilities.

Rachel has been working at controlling her lips, mouth, tongue...all her facial muscles. The speech therapist said that doing those movements all throughout the day will definitely help her. With a smaller trach in, it should be easier for Rachel to have more control with her swallowing. The sooner this is accomplished and she regains all the necessary movements to make what she swallows go down her esophogas to her stomach (and not her lungs) the sooner she will be able to take out the feeding tube.



Anonymous said...

Thank you to nurse Lisa for helping Rachel this morning. I can only imagine how good that feels to Rachel and how that must lift her spirits as well. Praying that Ryan and Rachel will enjoy the time they have together this weekend. I am delighted about the possibility of coming to Madonna - as a nurse I have heard only superb things about that facility. Look forward to seeing Rachel again soon. Ryan's aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Thank you Josh and RuthAnne for keeping everyone up to date here! I'm glad things are continuing to improve.

Rachel, I bet you are glad to have Ryan back again today :) You continue to be in my prayers!

Beth Cardoza (friend of Julia's)

Anonymous said...

This devo entitled 14 things God sees and knows is great. Please share with family.

1. He sees all things.
Prov. 15:3
2. He knows the size and scope of the universe
Ps. 147:4
3. He knows about the animal creation.
Matt. 10:29
4. He knows mankind.
Matt. 10:30
5. He knows our thoughts.
Ps. 139:2b; 44:21
6. He knows our words.
Ps. 139:4
7. He knows our deeds.
Ps. 139:2a
8. He knows our sorrows.
Exod. 3:7
9. He knows our needs.
Matt. 6:32
10. He knows our devotions.
Gen. 18:17–19; 22:11–12; 2 Chron. 16:9
11. He knows our frailties.
Ps. 103:14
12. He knows our foolishness.
Ps. 69:5
13. He knows his own.
John 10:14; 2 Tim. 2:19
14. He knows the past, present, and future.
Acts 15:18

We are praying ferverently for you all,

Terry & Jim in KY

The Hamiltons said...

Dear Rachel,
My family and I and quite a few friends have been praying for you and your family. My son Ian Hamilton was at Summit Semester with you. He wants a pingpong rematch with you when you are up to it. Know that many have been greatly blessed at the many prayers we have seen Our Father answer for you in phenomenal ways. How is the hospital staff dealing with your miracles? I pray that through your example and that of those around you many may be brought to Christ. Charla Hamilton and the Hamilton family Kansas

Anonymous said...

What an amazing display of devotion and committment I see between these two. I feel like the lucky one to have the opportunity to see God's work in action - "thank you" Rachel and Ryan for giving me a glimpse into "your lives". I am praying for you as well as both of your families. You have touched all of the nursing staff her at the "U" and you have personally enriched my faith in love, life and eternal happiness.

Anonymous said...

Dear Garrison Family,
I wanted to thank all of you for being so open with your lives. It is so amazing to see what God has already done and will continue to do in your family and for Rachel. Thank you for allowing the Body of Christ to lift you up in prayer and take a part in the work of the Lord. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated. Continuing to pray,
Mandi Miles
(friend of Julia's from Summit)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Rachel and Ryan. What wonderful progress Rachel is making. We are thankful and blessed to read the daily updates and therefore vey grateful for the blog and the faithfulness of those updating Rachel's journey. It is very exciting to know you may be coming to Madonna. It is truly an amazing facility that has helped so many although it will be hard to match the blessing of the care you have received at the "U". We are looking forward to meeting you, Rachel.
Nancy's cousins, Howard and Karen Fraser

Anonymous said...

Friend Rachel!

Everyone here at Summit Semester coninues to pray for you as well as my family. I'm so glad to hear that you got some sunshine and a smaller trach and I'm super excited that you get to have Ryan with you again. I wish I could sqeeze your hand. Consider yourself hugged!

Thanks Josh and Ruthanne for keeping me so updated. I don't know what I'd do without you guys!