Monday, September 10, 2007

Sign In!!!

Please reply to this and comment about who you are and if you or organizations you know are praying for Rachel.

There are people praying in Mongolia, Austrailia, Africa, Europe... many who have never met Rachel!

Your prayers are making a daily difference.


Judy said...

Our family and our church (Grace Community Baptist) are praying boldly in Trenton, Illinois. Also, we have friends praying in Kansas City, San Diego, Ft. Collins, Colorado, and elsewhere.

In addition to praying for Rachel's complete recovery, we are praying for strength, patience and comfort for Ryan, the families and friends, the Diehl family and wisdom and discernment for the medical personnel caring for Rachel. Above all, it is our prayer that God be glorified in this time of trial. I am Allyn Weddle's aunt.

SlacklininRN said...

Hi, this is Julianne P. (Eagle, Idaho) from Summit Ministries. Many, many people from Summit are praying as well as my family and friens in my church (Columbia Bible Church) back home in Boise, Idaho. God bless you guys as you go through this trial, but above all, may God recieve much glory by His work in all your lives!

H said...

Hey. I'm Heather Haggar (Sioux Falls, SD). I know Rachel through Julia and Summit Ministries. I have been and will continue to pray for God's miraculous healing and demonstration of His mighty hands over Rachel.
I have several people back home in South Dakota praying as well.
The Lord's will be done.

standONtruth said...

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, for You are my praise!"
Jeremiah 17:14

This scripture, to me, implies that if you ask, it WILL be done. It reminds me to keep God first in line, number one in my life, careful to avoid placing anything above Him, praising Him always.

Well, My name is Tara Webb, and I know Rachel from His Mansion where she was my room intern for the year I was a student. There has never been someone God has used more to show me what it looks like to be a woman of grace. I have the utmost admiration for my G-unit and VERY often in my life I aspire to be like the Jesus I see in her.

I am praying here in Alabama, along with my church and family and urgently feel the need to express that God is a God of 100%! And that is what I am trusting Him for.
"heal me, O Lord, and I WILL BE HEALED!"

Spiess said...

Hi Rachel and friends. This is Marie Spiess (Mc Keown). Just to let you all know we are praying continually here at his Mansion. Those who don't know Rachel know of a woman behind the Garrison Brownies which are still baked regularly. We know that you are in God's care and we are being bold and praying for complete healing. I personally know how prayers can carrying you all in times of need and I am praying that for the family, Ryan, friends and Rachel.

Love and Blessings

Nikki Moore said...

this is Nikki; I know Julia from Summit and she stayed at my house a couple of weeks ago. My roommate and I are both praying for Rachel.

Artemis said...

This is Katie Jenkins; I'm at Covenant College in Lookout Mtn. GA. The news has spread over the whole campus, and we're all praying fervently--not to let it be said that "we had not because we asked not"!

Matt M said...

Matt McKinley from Justice For All. We are excited by your progress and continue to pray for you.

Unknown said...

I run a youth group on Nantucket island off the coast of MA. I worked for a year at His Mansion with Rachel and when I heard the news I started praying immediately and passed on the information to others who know Rachel.
Last night I had youth group and as we were closing I asked for prayer requests. No one would say anything so I told the story of Rachel's injury, people's prayers, and God's healing hand in her recovery. After that a bunch of hands went up and we had a wonderful time of prayer together. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!
God works all things out for the good of those who love Him and live according to His commands.

Alterton Scottish Terriers said...

Hello, thanks for creating this blog and keeping us updated! I'm Faith Alterton from Southern CA. I was blessed to meet Rachel in 1997 through a Teen Missions trip to Nepal. My family and I are praying, and also many of the rest of the others from the TMI team.

Gretchen said...

Hi! I'm Gretchen, I was blessed with the opportunity to live with Rachel at His Mansion for a short time. I wanted to share that our family and churches in Zelienople, PA and here in Melbourne Australia are all praying for Rachel. It is wonderful to be reminded of the community of faith that connects us no matter our physical location. Thanks for the continuous updates on how best to be praying! We'll look forward to more great news.

Anonymous said...

My name is Susan and I'm a friend of Ashley Drayer's, who is a friend of Rachel's. Ashley e-mailed the urgent prayer request to me on Friday and has been forwarding each update as she receives them. I have been praying non-stop for Rachel, as have my family, friends, and everyone my own blog here on Blogger reaches. (I have also posted this blog address on my site so that all those who have been praying for her can remain updated about her condition.)

I am so excited about Rachel's progress and firmly believe that we are watching a miracle unfold. I praise God for His healing power and for the work that He is doing within Rachel's body. I cannot wait to see what else He is going to do in and through her!

This truly is a testimony of the power of prayer, as well as a vivid reminder that miracles still happen today. Praise God!!

We will keep praying fervently for Rachel and continue to expect only the best results and complete healing. :)

Jan Drayer said...

Hi everyone. My name is Jan Drayer. My daughter, Ashley Drayer, is a good friend of Rachel's from Summit Ministries. In fact, my husband and I met Rachel last fall when we went to visit our daughter in Pagosa Springs. Rachel was on staff there at that time. We were touched deeply when we heard Rachel's story from Ashley. We immediately started praying for her and Ryan, and all the family. This last Sunday, I told the story of Rachel to our church body and we prayed for her as a church family, together. We are all so thrilled to see how God is working and healing Rachel. We will continue to pray as requested and would love to help in any other way that we can. Just let me know if we can do anymore. My email address is: God bless!!


Anna Baltensperger said...

Hello! This is one of Rachel's soon-to-be sister-in-laws, Anna Baltensperger. I've only known Rachel for close to 3 months, but can easily see why she has so many friends. She is a jewel!!!!!

I am so amazed to see how many people across the nation and even around the world have been praying for Rachel. We love her and can't wait for her to walk down the wedding aisle soon. We serve an all-knowing and all-powerful God!

Anna Baltensperger

Unknown said...

Hi, this is Danielle. Christy and I are cousins but like sisters. Our family and our church (Christ Church of Story City), Friends church in New Providence, the Baptist church in Hampton...all of these within Iowa, and then YWAM of Colorado Springs have all been praying for Rachel. We feel that God has a great ministry in the works for Ryan and Rachel.

Kari said...

Hello! I must admit, this is an interesting way to "meet" you Rachel...

I'm one of Julia's friends, and I'm praying for you guys! Several friends of mine are praying as well.

Lifting you before the Father,
~Kari S., Oregon

Linda said...

Jim and Linda Difino (and family), friends of Rachel's from His Mansion Ministries, are praying fervently for the Lord's hand to continue to heal Rachel! Rachel's strong spirit and infectious laugh always stand out in my mind when I think of Rachel. I have to think that the Lord is not done using her yet!!!

I heard about Rachel's situation on my way to a Ladies Retreat last Friday. It enabled me to ask 90+ women to pray with me for Rachel, Ryan and their families. Isn't it amazing how many people around the world are praying for Rachel??

maryesther said...

Hi, I am a friend of Anja's. Friends and I are praying for you Rachel. As one who has experienced a miraculous healing...I am not surprised by your progress. God loves you and is definitely not done with you.

violingirl1024 said...

Hey guys! Kaitlin Allen here...we know Rachel...well, because we live in the same town, and I'm friends with Emily, and my little sister is friends with Esther! And my brothers are friends with Micah :P

We are praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Zac and Amy Holmes from Michigan. I (Amy) came across Rachel's story through a friend on Facebook. I used to work in a chiropractor's office as an assistant and am a firm believer in the practice of chiropractic. I also know that the Lord our God is the almighty healer. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and Dr. Diehl's family and practice as well. I have forwarded this information to my chiropractor's in whom I know much prayer will be lifted up on your behalf.
Love from Michigan,
Zac and Amy Holmes

Becky Russo said...

We met Rachel towards the end of our time at His Mansion. I am now working at Camp Spofford in SW New Hampshire, and the staff (as well as Aaron and I) are praying fervently for her, her family, Ryan and the rest of her family to be! We appreciate the updates! Thank you!

- Becky Russo

Laura said...

Hi there. This is Laura from Austin, TX (I'm a friend of Anja's and had visited her at His Mansion). My friends and family down here are all praying for Rachel and keeping up to date on the details via this blog.

Know that we are confidently praying God's healing hand is ruling over every detail in this entire situation.

Jamie Tubaugh said...

Rachel and Family-
Wanted to let you & and your family know you are in our thoughts & prayers. Our church (Faith United Methodist, in Centerville) is praying for you too. Crystal, Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you. Jaren, Jamie, Brennen, Brody & Molly

Liz Brown said...

My family and I have known the Baltenspergers for some time now, and I was excited to meet Rachel while staying with them in July. We're praying!!

Noel Guy said...

Dear, dear Rachel!!! How your name has been on our lips and hearts these past days, consuming us with a spirit of prayer, hopefulness and rejoicing! We actually were heading out on a camping trip to Big Sur the day after we recieved the horrific news...three days before your wedding and two months before mine! This really made David and I think long and hard about the fact that no one knows what a day may bring forth.
It was along those long California roads, viewing God's majectic creation, that we time and again prayed for you and committed this situation into God's hands, beseaching Him for mercy.
Olivia, Jonas and family back home we were able to stay updated through cell phones. The grief and rejoicing that accompanied our first day of the trip = your darkest hours = were something we will remember for a long time.
We love you dearly and are SO very, very grateful that the Lord has brought you to where He has thus far. We are rusting Him to bring you back to the bubbling blessing we all knew...Love, Noel for all the Guys!

Unknown said...

Hello to Rachel and all the Garrisons--this is Tracey Grothe from Centerville---We are praying for you and thinking of you every day!! It has been great to be able to read about your progress. Wow, it looks like you have touched so many lives, Rachel. What a wonderful person you must be! God speed in your recovery--we'll be anxious for continued great news about you! If you or your family need anything please don't hesitate to contact us-----Brad, Tracey, Ben and Nathan Grothe

Meghan Allen said...

Dear Garrisons,

You have been in my thoughts and prayers from the moment this all began. At first, I didn't post on here because I saw all the posts from across the country and thought it wouldn't matter much from someone local in Centerville who you barely know. But I want you to know that we are praying for you and that my heart hurts for you and for the Diehl family. Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do to help your family through this time. We are excited to see your progress and I pray that it continues. I pray for the medical staff that is caring for and treating you that the Lord gives them extraordinary wisdom and insite. May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace. Michelle Allen in Centerville.

Anonymous said...

Hi,my name is Kerri Pollard i met Rachel at His Mansion. I was allowed to learn from her almost the entire year I spent there, in that time she showed me what it meant to trust in the Lord. Rachel i just pray for an overall trust and faith in the Lord. I pray for your spirit to stay lifted and strentgh to be strong. I know you have strength Rachel, you did carry me down a mountain one 4th of July.
I want you know that myself and the students at St. Louis Christian are lifting you, Ryan and your family in prayer.

Larry and Donna Jones said...

Rachel, you and your sister visited us (Larry, Donna, Joshua, and Rachel) in Omaha, Missouri, and flew with Larry in his powered parachute. Please plan on returning soon to see God's creation again from the air! Centerville Assembly of God is sharing your updates--and praying for you often. We know that we know that God is in control.

Anonymous said...

Rachel was basically my 7th Grade teacher... She is a very amazing women. I haven't talked to her for far to long but I want her and her family to know that my prayers, and the prayers of my family are with her.

Anonymous said...

My name is Michael Will. Rachel's circumstance was shared with me by Ruth Wininger (Ryan's aunt). (I met the Wininger's in Germany.)

I pastor a church in Cable, Ohio, and this church has corporately undertaken to lift up Rachel and Ryan, as well as Dr. Diehl and his family, during our Wednesday evening prayer meetings. I can say with confidence that folks are praying fervently on the behalf of each of these folks.

We rejoice that this circumstance has not flown under God's radar, and that he is wonderfully attentive to each and every detail affecting the progress and outcome of this ordeal. It is for his glory, and the evidence of that is already being revealed in countless ways!

May God give grace and strength to each of you in this time.

Anonymous said...

Great Site. Was added to mybookmarks. Greetings From USA.